Dear friends and family, Happy Independence Day!
We have been in a fruitful yet busy season! Thank you for your prayers and faithful support, you are making an impact in the kingdom of Heaven!

▶ Here is an encouraging story of how God is working in the hearts and lives of Hispanic people in rural areas of the US.
Fabian and some of our team here has been leading a Bible study in eastern Kentucky, about three hours from our home. At the third meeting, the two guys who were coming invited their friend Victor. After worship, and reading and discussing the Bible, Fabian asked Victor if he had ever given his life to the Lord. Come to find out, Victor grew up in church. He even remembers sleeping under the pews as a child. Eventually, he came to the USA as a young man. About ten years ago, he wanted to give his life to the Lord, but couldn’t find a Spanish-speaking church.

Unfortunately, in the small rural community where he manages a Mexican restaurant and his wife runs a small Mexican store, there is no church in Spanish. That day he gave his life to the Lord! We gave him a Bible, and he is now reading the Word and meeting weekly with our small group of Hispanic believers to grow in Christ. Please keep Victor and his family in prayer as they continue to grow stronger in the Lord.

▶ Weekly one of our ministers drives to Grayson to continue to disciple the Hispanic believers in the area. Please pray that the Lord would continue to guide us as our desire is
to plant a church in that area.
▶ Radio Latido:
This year we hosted the first training and fellowship meeting for our online radio, RadioLatido. All of our radio hosts came, and one even broadcasted live at the training. Friday was a time of fellowship for our radio hosts, and Saturday we invited church leaders who were interested in starting radio programs to the training.

Radio director Jorge Ramirez, and Media Guru Alex Toledo, both fresh in from Mexico City, MX did a great job training and inspiring our leaders. A big thank you to everyone who pitched in to turn our barn into a pavilion, and clean up the cabins. This was the first event we hosted at our mini-farm, and it was a lot of cleaning and tearing out!

▶ This was the first event we hosted at our mini-farm, and it was a lot of cleaning and tearing out!
▶ Conectate:
Our leaders heard a great word and were encouraged by the “Conectate” (Connection) gathering. From Indiana, Pastor Albert Moreno brought a word of encouragement to our hispanic leaders.

▶ From Indiana, Pastor Albert Moreno brought a word of encouragement
to our hispanic leaders.

For vision and guidance for Radio Latido and our team
For the Bible Study in Grayson, Ky.
For unity among our pastors and leaders
Sincerely, Your Partners in Ministry,
Fabian & Rebekah Sanchez


I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now ... (Philippians 1:3-5, NIV)
Your partners in Ministry,
Fabian & Rebekah Sanchez
Mobile: 214-916-8476
US Missionaries - A/G US Missions - Account# 289113
"On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased." Psalm 138:3 www.TheSanchezFamily.org