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Welcome to our January 2020 Newsletter

Dear Friends, Family and ministry partners, the first month of the year has flown by and we are happy to share with you what has been happening in our ministry.


Starting 2020 in prayer

Starting the year, we attended the Sectional Prayer of Ministers and Leaders in Kentucky. In addition to having a time of spiritual refreshment, we were blessed to provide Spanish translation. At the conference, through the translation ministry, we met a Bolivian man who does not speak English. As we talked with him, we found out that he and his wife are Pastors, and Missionaries, and that they feel a calling to serve in KY. We are in the early stages of communication with them, in hopes that they will come and pastor a congregation. Please keep Pastor Miranda and his wife in prayer!


Hispanic children take the Challenge

In the Assemblies of God, the culture of supporting Missions is built from childhood. This month we had the blessing of helping Iglesia Familiar Mana in Frankfort, KY, start their BGMC program. (Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge.) Their children had fun with the challenges and pledged to donate $500 in missions!!!


Honored to serve God’s servants

As directors of the Hispanic Initiative and the KMN Multicultural Department, we have the opportunity to share in churches the need to reach Hispanics, and other ethnic groups, promote missions and obtain resources to help Hispanic and multicultural pastors and ministries. One of the greatest privileges and blessings is the opportunity to minister and encourage pastors. We are honored to be able to support and serve God’s servants.


Radio Latido test drive

This month we are releasing Radio Latido’s website and we started to broadcast Christian music and devotionals 24/7 via online radio. This project is in the process of creation, and we are still refining the details, but we want to share it with you and receive your valuable feedback. If you want to listen to the radio, and help us build this project, you can write to


Ministry is flourishing

We thank God because we are seeing this ministry grow and flourish and we are beginning to see the fruit. We have seen several Hispanic ministries be born, others find pastors, and in all of them are unexpected joys that encourage us to continue investing our efforts in the Kingdom of God

“Let us not lose heart in doing good,

for in due time we will reap

if we do not grow weary.”

Galatians 6: 9.


Sincerely, Your Partners in Ministry,

Fabian & Rebekah Sanchez




I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now ... (Philippians 1:3-5, NIV)

Your partners in Ministry,

Fabian & Rebekah Sanchez

Mobile: 214-916-8476

US Missionaries - A/G US Missions - Account# 289113

"On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased." Psalm 138:3

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