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December Newsletter

Fabian & Rebekah Sanchez, Hispanic Initiative - US Missions

Plant, Grow, & Develop Hispanic Ministries


AG - Account# 289113


Family Update:

As our family has been growing in more ways than one, we continue to see God's faithfulness and love. With three little ones, my wife and I have definitely been growing in character and trusting God. We have seen God's provision, God's protection, and God's Love. God is amazing! He is a provider and He is a protector! During this Christmas Season it is our prayer that as you reflect on 2017 you would see how God has been your provider and protector and that you would know that He is for you, not against you, and He loves you very much.

Maybe during this holiday season, you’re going through a difficult time. You may be wondering why God is leading you through the desert instead of short-cutting to the Promised Land, just as with the children of Israel. Exodus 13:17-22 says that God took the Israelites through the desert, so they would not give up and return to Egypt when they faced battle. God doesn’t want us to return to Egypt, he wants us to TURN to Him! He led the Israelites through the desert with a cloud by day. This cloud brought shade and comfort. By night he led with a pillar of fire- warming the cold desert night.

He wants to be our cloud by day to guide and give us rest, and by night He wants to be our pillar of fire to give us light.

If we choose to follow Him, He will lead the way, prepare us for the battles of tomorrow and give us the victory! To Him be the glory and may we keep our eyes on Jesus for He is faithful.

Merry Christmas!

We are currently at about 52% of our monthly budget. Praise the Lord!

We hope to be at 60% of our monthly budget by January. We have been called to live by faith, and as we walk in ministry we understand that it is the faith of the church and obedience of many that the Lord uses to move mountains.

Thank you for your support and prayers, and may the Lord richly bless you and your family!

Fabian & Rebekah

Join our partnership team, CLICK HERE.

Ministry Update:

With over 100 meetings and 30 church services, 2017 has been a year of transition, spiritual growth, and relationships. We have connected with many old friends and made many new ones along the way as we have shared how we believe God wants to see a healthy, Spirit-led ministry in every Hispanic community.

People have been getting saved as we have ministered at churches! Just a couple of weeks ago, two ladies made a commitment for Christ at a service. Praise God! It’s all about people getting saved and being discipled, to God be the glory!

It has been a privilege to be part of the AG US Missions and part of what God is doing throughout His church.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

As we get ready to say goodbye to 2017 and welcome 2018 we are thankful to have you as our friends and partners in ministry. We are thankful that we are not doing this alone because with out your prayers, personal encouragement and financial support we would not be here as US Missionary Candidates. You are a real blessing to us, and as we get ready to move to Kentucky in February of 2018 where we will be raising the remaining partnerships for our ministry, we would love nothing less than to stay connected with you. Please like us on Facebook, send us an email, visit our website for our newsletter or call/text anytime as we would love to hear from you from time to time.

"'that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. John 17:21

"'that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. John 17:21

Prayer Needs

Please be in prayer for us, as we need to be at 60% of our monthly budget by January. We are currently at 52%. We still need 8%, or about $600, in monthly commitments.

If you have been thinking about partnering with us, this is the time!


Fabian & Rebekah Sanchez

Mobile: 214-916-8476

US Missionary Candidates

Hispanic Initiative

AG - Account# 289113

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2016 by

Assemblies Of God

US Missionaries


Intercultural Department

Fabian & Rebekah Sanchez

3026 Old Elizabethtown RD

Hodgenville, KY 42748

Tel: 214-916-8476

Fabian Sanchez-Martinez

Account# 289113

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