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The Sanchez Family

Plant, Grow, & Develop

Hispanic Ministries

...That None Shall Perish

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."  Joshua 24:15

Fabian Sanchez

Fabian was born in Mexico and migrated with his family to the US when he was 10 years old. After searching for the Lord in various ways he gave his life to God at  the age of 27.  Fabian has a diploma in Children and Family Ministry from Christ for the Nations Institute and a Bachelor of Business Studies from Dallas Baptist University. Fabian and his wife owned and managed a successful business for over 5 years in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area.

 Rebekah Sanchez  

Rebekah grew up in central Kentucky with a heart to serve people and reach the Lost. After spending a year in Ecuador as a Missionary Associate, she graduated from Christ for the Nations Institute where she met her husband Fabian. She is fluent in Spanish and holds a Bachelor's Degree in Children and Family Ministry. Together Fabian and Rebekah have 2 children.

Samuel & Belen  

Samuel loves to play ball and monster  trucks and he also like to eat all types of cookies. Belen is our precious little princes and daddies little girl. Our prayer is that they will grown to know, love, and honor the Lord with all their hear, mind, and soul. 

2016 by

Assemblies Of God

US Missionaries


Intercultural Department

Fabian & Rebekah Sanchez

3026 Old Elizabethtown RD

Hodgenville, KY 42748

Tel: 214-916-8476

Fabian Sanchez-Martinez

Account# 289113

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